Authentication Extension - Permissions

  • Using the authentication extension allows one to specify users per entity, that have read and/or edit access to it.

    My question now would be, do I have a way to deny adding a new entity to a folder to which the user only has read permission?
    Because currently only having read permission to a folder does not prevent one to create a new entity inside of it.

  • My question now would be, do I have a way to deny adding a new entity to a folder to which the user only has read permission?
    Because currently only having read permission to a folder does not prevent one to create a new entity inside of it.

    This isn't true. A user with "read only" permissions to the folder can't create entity there.
    Did you try to save the new entity? You can create an entity in the folder in the studio, but you won't be able to save it.

  • Thanks for your time to answer my rather needless question.
    Indeed you are right, saving is prohibited.

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