jsReport server stops using PM2 after startup

  • I have an Ubuntu 20.x server where I'm attempting to run jsreport as configured per the instructions here:

    I can start the server manually just fine and it works fine using
    pm2 start server.js

    However, when attempting to use the startup after a reboot, the server starts quickly then immediately throws the following exception in the pm2.log:
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: ===============================================================================
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: --- New PM2 Daemon started ----------------------------------------------------
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: Time : Wed Sep 15 2021 19:27:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: PM2 version : 5.1.1
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: Node.js version : 8.11.3
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: Current arch : x64
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: PM2 home : /home/techmanager/.pm2
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: PM2 PID file : /home/techmanager/.pm2/pm2.pid
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: RPC socket file : /home/techmanager/.pm2/rpc.sock
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: BUS socket file : /home/techmanager/.pm2/pub.sock
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: Application log path : /home/techmanager/.pm2/logs
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: Worker Interval : 30000
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: Process dump file : /home/techmanager/.pm2/dump.pm2
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: Concurrent actions : 2
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: SIGTERM timeout : 1600
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: ===============================================================================
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: App [server:0] starting in -fork mode-
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 log: App [server:0] online
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 error: Error: spawn node ENOENT
    at _errnoException (util.js:992:11)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:190:19)
    at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:372:16)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
    at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:218:9)
    2021-09-15T19:27:40: PM2 error: Cancelling versioning data parsing

    I have another server with the same configuration and it works perfectly, and I can't find any differences between the two.
    I've completely uninstalled and re-installed with the exact same results.

    Any help or suggestions are appreciated.

  • This may not be a problem with jsreport itself. It seems it can't start nodejs.

    I see something similar for example here

  • Thank you for the reply, and I totally agree. We've been running jserport on many Windows servers for several years without issue. Recently, we've begun moving a few development machines over to Linxux and we know just enough to be dangerous.

    It does appear to be more of an issue with either node.js or PM2. I was just hoping someone here might have seen a similar error when following the install steps.

    I will continue researching the issue looking more closely at PM2.


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