report output location

  • How do I change the folder that the reports are rendered?
    I'd like to use something other than /data/storage.

  • You can use this config

     "blobStorage": {
        "provider": "fs",
        "dataDirectory": "myfolder"

  • That works for the report output. Is there a way to get just the rendered reports without the profiles and other files?

  • Is there a way to get just the rendered reports without the profiles and other files?

    Not sure what you mean. Please elaborate more.

    The path to the blob of the particular report can be explicitly customized in the API request using blobName.

  • I created a variable in my program called reportpath and combined it with the filename so that I was able to direct the output report to a specific folder that was separate from the other data.

    "reports": {
                                     "save": true,
                                     "blobName": reportpath + filename

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