Html To Xlsx - "timout option must be a number"

  • I get the following error on an App Service on Azure, verions 3.4.1 with the html to xlsx recipe.
    But it works fine on my local jsreport 2.11.0.
    Am I missing something? I can't seem to find any good results on google/stack overflow/this forum.

  • I created an Azure App Service with image version 2.11.0, and it's working fine there as well.
    There seems to be some missing config for the image > 3.4.x

  • Hi, please share your config values. You typically set these through environment variables/application settings in the azure app service.

  • 0_1645162562817_upload-978e78d1-e064-48f0-8092-69c353836725

  • Please remove the chrome_timeout and templatingEngines_timeuot from the app settings. These aren't used in v3 anymore and causes the error.

  • Thanks. Let me try that and come back to you

    [Edit]: Problem solved! Thanks!

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