Export Missing document

  • Hello,
    When we change version v2.5.0 to v3.2.0, our xlsx template is not coming. We exported all files from v2.5.0 for v3.2.0 as a zip file but zip file doesn't include xlsx template. Could you help me please ?

    Thank you for your interest

  • https://jsreport.net/learn/v3-migration-guide#xlsxtemplates

    The xlsxTemplate entity type was removed and replaced with the asset.
    There is automatic migration to do this for you, but it only runs during the first start of the v3, it's not processing it during import.

    Please keep your data in jsreport v2, update it to v3 and then start jsreport. It should process the migration and change your xlsxTemplates to the assets.

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