How to run jsreport studio
Can anyone tell me how to run jsreport studio?
I have tried going to a command prompt of my project directory
and executed the jsreport start which initializes the report engine without error.
I then tried going to a browser localhost:5500 and I don't see the report studio.
How do I get jsreport studio to render?
You typically see something like this in the output
2022-04-12T12:11:45.623Z - info: jsreport server successfully started on http port: 5488
The 5488 is the default port where you can reach jsreport studio usually.
Thanks for the reply.
I changed the port to 6000. It does say it started on 6000. What do I do next? I don't see the report studio. I tried https://localhost:6000/
but that does not bring up the report.
I figured it out. Port 6000 is unsafe. I changed the port and it works. Thank You