Error occurred during reporter init: Error: License key is not valid

  • Running jsreport on docker container and I got this error during the startup:

    debug: Extension public-templates@3.0.0 was disabled
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.418Z - info: Using extension sample-template@3.2.1
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.419Z - info: Using extension studio-theme-dark@3.0.1
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.420Z - info: Using extension unoconv@3.0.0
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.421Z - info: Using general timeout for rendering (reportTimeout: 60000)
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.422Z - info: Using fs provider for template store.
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.435Z - info: fs store is persisting using fs for /app/data
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.440Z - info: fs store is loading data
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.444Z - info: fs store is initialized successfully
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.451Z - debug: studio default theme is: light
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.477Z - info: Creating default express app.
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.492Z - info: jsreport server successfully started on http port: 5488
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.493Z - info: Verifying license key 4B1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXC6E
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.994Z - info: Closing jsreport instance
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.996Z - error: Error occurred during reporter init: Error: License key is not valid
    at handleResponse (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-licensing/lib/licensing.js:162:18)
    2022-08-11T16:03:34.996Z - info: jsreport instance has been closed
    Error: License key is not valid
    at handleResponse (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-licensing/lib/licensing.js:162:18)

    We purchased jsreport enterprise upgrade last April.
    Any suggestion on this one?
    Thank you!

  • The license key you are trying to use isn't in our licensing db.
    Please email me some details, what email did you use for purchase?
    Can you forward the email with the license?

  • @jan_blaha i sent you the email. My email is
    Thank you!

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