jsrender / components : passing extra attributes
How do you pass extra attributes to components using jsrender ?
I have tried this but I get "Unmatched or missing {{/prepareData}}, in template:"{{:~prepareData(@root.name)}} {{:~component("./compo")}} {{/prepareData}}
My prepareData function is declared like this:
function prepareData(someAttribute, options) { return options.fn({ ...this, someAttribute }) }
Thanks !
{{prepareData "hello"}} {{:~component("./c1")}} {{/prepareData}}
function prepareData(v) { return this.tagCtx.render({ propA: v }) }
However, I recommend using mainly handlebars. Some new recipes support just that.
Thanks for the quick answer. I will consider going back to Handlebars but the fact that you have to write a function for every single test is really annoying (rather than directly doing something like {{if field>=2}}...{{/if}}). I will create a new thread on the question.
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