How to debug mysql connection (docker)
I am trying a simple mysql query. The database is mysql running in a docker container in the same network as jsreports which is running in a docker container as well.
The problem is, I'm not getting any data. I don't know if the connection has failed or not?
I have tried similar code in a straight node.js program and it works fine. So I think my database connection should be OK, but I'm not sure. How can I tell? Incidentally I have tried an ip address as well as localhost, no difference.The script for the data load is as follows:
const mysql = require('mysql'); // import { connect,Request } from 'mysql'; const config = { "user": "some user", "password": "some password", "server": "localhost", "database": "property" } async function beforeRender (req, res) { await mysql.connect(config); const sqlReq = new mysql.Request(); const queryResult = await sqlReq.query( 'select Address1, Postcode, DatePurchased from PropertyTable'); Object.assign(, {properties: queryResult.recordset }); }
And the template has the following simple code:
<h1>Property List</h1> <Style> .mycol { width:20%; padding:5px; background-color:pink; } </Style> <table> <tr> <td class='mycol'>Name</td> <td class='mycol'>Postcode</td> <td class='mycol'>Purchase Date</td> </tr> {{#each properties}} <tr> <td class='mycol'>{{Address1}}</td> <td class='mycol'>{{Postcode}}</td> <td class='mycol'>{{PurchaseDate}}</td> </tr> {{/each}} </table>
Here is the profile output.
nfo +0 Render request 27 queued for execution and waiting for available worker info +21 Starting rendering request 27 (user: null) info +0 Rendering template { name: property, recipe: chrome-pdf, engine: handlebars, preview: true } debug +0 Data item not defined for this template. debug +2 Base url not specified, skipping its injection. debug +5 Rendering engine handlebars debug +61 Executing recipe chrome-pdf debug +2 Converting with chrome HeadlessChrome/105.0.5195.125 using chrome-pool strategy debug +104 Page request: GET (document) file:///tmp/jsreport/autocleanup/4cc35691-a7f8-4d89-bb32-9a9319a5b7b1-chrome-pdf.html debug +42 Page request finished: GET (document) 200 file:///tmp/jsreport/autocleanup/4cc35691-a7f8-4d89-bb32-9a9319a5b7b1-chrome-pdf.html debug +8 Running chrome with params {"printBackground":true,"timeout":59909,"margin":{}} debug +29 Skipping storing report. info +0 Rendering request 27 finished in 275 ms
You seem to forget to associate the script with the template based on the logs., it's always good to console.log what you are trying to put to the
if things don't work as expected.console.log(queryResult) Object.assign(, {properties: queryResult.recordset });
Thanks for this reply. I thought that was the problem, however I don't know how to associate the script with the template. I can't find anywhere in the documentation that tells me how to do that.