Dynamic TOC - without initial/previous declaration

  • But in the inline script to parse the DOM i can't use new Buffer.from(title, 'utf8').toString('base64'). I can only use atob/btoa there.

    Yes, true, that didn't come to my mind.

    What is the meaning of the notation item@@@...@@@?
    Is this somehow processed differently?

    Yes, this is our internal mark, which pdf utils remove during post-processing and from the information builts $pdf.pages.items collection you typically use during the merge operations.

    I've spent some time analyzing the options we have for improving the ToC, but I didn't find some breaking ideas to make things easier for you.

    I'm not sure creating ToC from DOM is the right way to go, but I at least added the official example to the documentation for rendering ToC without the previous declaration and with ToC position directly in the main template.
    This was triggered by ideas in this thread. Thank you

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