How to limit the array number to 3 and make it continue to the next page?

  • I have an array that has about 10 items, and I need to limit it to 3 so as not to break my pdf, how do I limit it and move to the next page?!0_1690923667228_upload-bea6ddf4-3807-48c0-93ac-2f5524beeb7e 0_1690923705304_upload-4a654050-899c-4564-860e-688b170e872a 0_1690923750148_upload-f1fc3cec-053a-4acd-9e03-4142cf9bb703

  • I am not sure I understand the question, but maybe this can be one of the approaches.

    Most of such things can be easily solved using handlebars. Here you can find detailed documentation
    Also, there are tons of resources on StackOverflow so just google "handlebars ..."

    Please try to share minimal playground demo when asking questions. Just like I did. Without specific noise around. This will help us to understand your question and provide the best answer.

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