Error when syncing fs journal

  • Hey,
    I have issue with the larger report generated.
    I’m using an aws-s3 file storage.

    • unable to load planned schedules, but no need to worry, we will retry, details:Error: Timeout during waiting for file system, try it again later
    • Error when syncing fs journal, no worry, we will run again Timeout during waiting for file system, try it again later. stack=Error: Timeout during waiting for file system, try it again later.

    While rendering, this error occurs. Can you say why this occurs and a solution for this.!
    also increased reportTimeout

  • Hi,

    there are some background processes jsreport runs in intervals which can fail when waiting for s3 availability. However, this brings no harm as the logged message informs you.

    You can increase the waiting timeout to get less of the logged warns

  • Thank you @admin, its works form me.
    There is another issue
    When I merged large files using pdf-lib, the jsreport Heroku server used large amounts of RAM.
    Are there any configuration changes?

  • Unfortunately no. There is no extra config to reduce memory usage in pdf utils or chrome.

    However, you can try to limit the number of workers with workers.numberOfWorkers=1

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