Accessing lookup data from main context when in a component
Hi, another newbie.
I have a complex JSON structure for my data which includes lookup data - below is a simplified version
{ "lkpCodes": { "SeverityLkp": {"0": "severity-0", "1": "severity-1", "2": "severity-2", "3": "severity-3", "4": "severity-4", "5": "severity-5" } }, "Need": { "NeedId": "N00001363", "Assessments": { "A1": [{"period": "2023","severity": "1"},{"period": "2024","severity": "1"},{"period": "2025","severity": "2"},{"period": "2026","severity": "3"}], "A2": [{"period": "2023","severity": "0"},{"period": "2024","severity": "1"},{"period": "2025","severity": "2"},{"period": "2026","severity": "3"}], "A3": [{"period": "2023","severity": "2"},{"period": "2024","severity": "2"},{"period": "2025","severity": "3"},{"period": "2026","severity": "4"}] }} }
Depending on client requirements I need to show one or more of the assessments (ie might only want A2) so I call a component passing only the data for the required assessment
{{#with (lookup this.Need.Assessments 'A1') }} {{component "showAssessment" }} {{/with}}
I need to use the severity value to lookup the class name from the SeverityLkp in lkpCodes but cant figure out how to access this from within the component. I thought i could get it from @root but this only holds the current data within the component (ie in this case the data for A1).
Thanks in advance
Similar is the main example and docs your case, it would be like this
{{#with (lookup this.Need.Assessments 'A1') }} {{component "showAssessment" lkpCodes=@root.lkpCodes }} {{/with}}
In other words, you can pass anything from the root and also the whole root in the extra attribute.
Thank you so much - that is working perfectly now.