Letter-spacing issue in font
On different browsers , font has letter spacing issues. Few times it is coming correct but few times it is showing letter spacing css issues
Please share more details...
Mainly particular template in the playground and what browsers do you test with.
I am using handlebars engine, chrome-pdf recipe, and in chrome-pdf we are using Pdf format. I have attached the image below!!
In between n and s there is some space.
0_1706857722024_MicrosoftTeams-image (1).png
Perhaps this config helps, but I would need a playground demo from you to be able to verify it.
"extensions": { "chrome-pdf": { "launchOptions": { "args": ["--font-render-hinting=none"] } } }
let reportTemplate: JSReportCore.Request = {
template: {
chrome: {
format: "A4",
printBackground: true
content: template_url,
engine: 'handlebars',
recipe: 'chrome-pdf',
pdfPassword: {
password: userPassword,
ownerPassword: userPassword,
documentAssembly: true,
printing: "HighResolution",
modifying: false,
fillingForms: false,
copying: false,
contentAccessibility: false
I am using @jsreport/nodejs-client package. The following are the options i am using.
Please create the template you ae rendering here
Here is my code you can check here
I've found the solution here
https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/2410#issuecomment-1385402280You just need to add the following style
<style> * { text-rendering: geometricprecision !important; } </style>