Authorization for SaaS
How does the authorizion work for SaaS. It seams to work without the Autherization header and only a session cookie is needed?
jsreportonline currently supports only basic header-based authorization for API requests.
The studio browser authentication is processed through a session cookie.
So there is no password or secret required to call the api?
You need to send the password in the authorization header of course. This standard is called "Basic access authentication".
You need to add a HTTP header to every request looking like this
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Where the hash is based on username and password: base64(username:password)
Thats where I am confused it works for me without Authorization header in Postman and I don't know why
Such tools like postman often share the cookies with your browser. So that is why.
You may try with your real client.