Multiple concurrent requests , timeout problem

  • I am using the electron recipe to create PDFs using HTML and JSOn data. Each PDF rendering request was approximately taking 2 seconds , to improve performance now I am sending all requests concurrently bombarding the JSreport server with config as 8 workers, so now approx 8 PDFs are simultaneously being created improving the overall time. But the issue is , the rest of the requests waiting to get a worker accumulate the time and they time out. How can I fix this issue ?

  • I am using the electron recipe to create PDFs using HTML and JSOn data.

    Any reason to use an electron recipe? The chrome-pdf recipe is a better option in most of the use cases.

    the rest of the requests waiting to get a worker accumulate the time and they time out. How can I fix this issue ?

    This doesn't look like an issue but rather a by-design behavior. If you need a longer timeout, just increase it in the config.
    The timeout is the total time for the request including its waiting time in the queue.

  • Thanks for the tip !

    I tried Chrome pdf now , and it does work faster than electron. What can I do improve performance still ? Current config is

    "chrome": {
    "timeout": 40000,
    "strategy": "chrome-pool",
    "numberOfWorkers": 4

    I could not find in docs , what is the difference between Chrome-pool and dedicated strategy ? Are there any other strategies as well ?

  • What can I do improve performance still ?

    Check on it here

    I could not find in docs , what is the difference between Chrome-pool and dedicated strategy ? Are there any other strategies as well ?

    Here are the docs

  • The process allocation link you gave does not give any information on chrome-pool strategy, And even when I tried to use dedicated-process strategy , debug information still shows chrome-pool strategy being used. Why is that ?

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