PDF and XLS Reports are not rendering in lambda Error: Navigating frame was detached

  • All of a sudden the lambda stopped rendering the reports in PDF and XLS format. its throwing Error: Navigating frame was detached.

    Tried upgrading lambda to latest version as well but still getting the same issue

  • Please share the full error with some logs.

    What jsreport version do you use? How did you proceed with installing chrome dependency?
    Have you followed our tutorial? https://jsreport.net/learn/aws-lambda-serverless

  • I had the exact same error all of a sudden due to our AWS Lambda runtime config was set to use Auto - so it started to use nodejjs18.v28 automatically.

    I was able to check the CloudWatch log from the previous day, which is nodejs18.v26. arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1::runtime:0cdcfbdefbc5e7d3343f73c2e2dd3cba17d61dea0686b404502a0c9ce83931b9

    For the time being I forced the lambda runtime to lock ti ( aka manual) to the above ARN.

    I am stilling looking into fixing it for v28+, or all the way to nodejs20 .


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