Clickable links and page break avoid

  • I'm using some clickable links in my report to take the user to different parts of the PDF however after upgrading to 4.4 (from 2.11). Our links no longer seem to take you to where they should.
    My current theory is if you use page break avoid the link doesn't seem to take in the extra space and brings you to where it would be if there was no page break.

    I was able to reproduce the issue here:

    Any idea on how we could get around this?

    FYI: Tested this with just using divs instead of tables and didn't see the same issue so maybe that is the problem though we need to use tables throughout our reports and would like to avoid them getting split between pages when its not necessary.

  • This looks like some bug/miscalculation in the new chrome. We don't calculate or modify these coordinates.
    I am afraid I don't have solution for this at this moment.

  • Thanks for taking a look we are working on switching over to div's instead of tables that seems to fix the issue.

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