Can i send the template as HTML as string with my own design .

  • Hi Team, Good day.

    In this Post i want to clarify that Can i send the data like given below to the jsreport starter kit which is used for lambda based configurations REFERENCE LINK:

    Sample JSON request:

        "renderRequest": {
            "template": {
    \n' +
    '<html lang="en">\n' +
    '\n' +
    '<head>\n' +
    '  <meta charset="UTF-8">\n' +
    '  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">\n' +
    '  <title>My Website</title>\n' +
    '\n' +
    '</head>\n' +
    '\n' +
    '<body>\n' +
    '\n' + // Added an empty line before your content area
    '  <header>\n' +
    '    <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>\n' +
    '  </header>\n' +
    '\n' +
    '  <main>\n' +
    '    <h2>Example Table</h2>\n' +
    '    <table>\n' +
    '      <tr>\n' +
    '        <th>Name</th>\n' +
    '        <th>Age</th>\n' +
    '        <th>City</th>\n' +
    '      </tr>\n' +
    '      <tr>\n' +
    '        <td>John Doe</td>\n' +
    '        <td>30</td>\n' +
    '        <td>New York</td>\n' +
    '      </tr>\n' +
    '      <tr>\n' +
    '        <td>Jane Smith</td>\n' +
    '        <td>25</td>\n' +
    '        <td>London</td>\n' +
    '      </tr>\n' +
    '    </table>\n' +
    '  </main>\n' +
    '\n' +
    '  <footer>\n' +
    '    <p>&copy; 2024 My Website</p>\n' +
    '  </footer>\n' +
    '\n' +  
    '</body>\n' +
    '\n' +
                "engine": "handlebars",
                "recipe": "chrome-pdf",
                "chrome": {
                    "format": "A4",
                    "orientation": "portrait",
                    "fittopage": true,
                    "margin": {
                        "top": "30px",
                        "left": "20px",
                        "right": "20px",
                        "bottom": "10px"
                "helpers": " function myFunction (x){return x}"

    In lambda actual jsreport npm packages not working. So i tried this way to implement the actual jsreport functionality in lambda based.

    I will send the Request like given above. Kindly confirm whether this is right approach or not. Kindly guide me to get this done.

    Thanks in advance

  • I configured this in Lambda function and i got the Functional URL aswell.
    I need to use this service by calling this form Node Project.

    Consider i have my templates and data and rest of the parameters.

    How can i call this In my nodeJs and being served by lambda.

  • Here is the code in node invoking the lambda

    I'm not sure I understand you fully, but you can of course render a template fully specified in the request as you do. It is the same as calling jsreport API.

  • Hi Admin,

    Thanks for your reply.
    I followed the same. templates with helpers, content, engine, recipe, chrome are fine. For my template i need to pass the set of data as Json , How can i send the data to that function .
    below is the code implementation

    const requestBody=event.renderRequest
    const resp = await jsreport.render(requestBody);

    in requestBody will contain below data

    template: {
    content: "Hey Buddy this is called from the backend you know",
    engine: "handlebars",
    recipe: "chrome-pdf",
    chrome: {
    format: "A4",
    orientation: "portrait",
    fittopage: true,
    margin: {
    top: "30px",
    left: "20px",
    right: "20px",
    bottom: "10px",
    helpers: "function myFunction (x){return x}",

    Because these datas needs to be bind with my template.

    Kindly check above and guide me to close this .


  • Its same as the API call

          "template": { ... },
          "data" : { ... },    

  • Hi Admin,

    Thanks for the insights.

    It's working as expected.

    Will explore more on it and let you know any issue we face in future.

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