Can't generate PDF with chrome-pdf and jsreport v4.6.0 in web app in Azure

  • Hi,

    I'm having trouble to generate PDF with chrome-pdf in jsreport version 4.6.0 (also with version 4.5.0). I have setup jsreport as a web app in Azure like the guide:

    I get this error:
    "Report "X" render failed.

    Report timeout. Last profiler operation: (recipe) chrome-pdf. You can inspect and find more details here:
    Error: Report timeout. Last profiler operation: (recipe) chrome-pdf. You can inspect and find more details here: https://X/studio/profiles/X
    at Timeout. (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/advanced-workers/lib/threadWorker.js:43:23)
    at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:569:17)
    at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:512:7)"

    The template is just "<div></div>".

    More details:

    BUT when I'm switching to version 4.4.0 it works fine.

    Good to know is that version 4.6.0 works fine locally (windows 11).

    I would like it to work with the latest version (4.6.0). Someone got any ideas?

    Best regards,

  • The 4.6.0 includes a chromium - alpine bug that causes this timeout.
    The current solution is to add the following environment variable.

    chrome_launchOptions_args=--no-sandbox, --disable-dev-shm-usage, --disable-gpu


  • That solved it. Thanks a lot!

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