Generate PDFs as output | unreadable content in wordfile

  • Hi,

    I'm currently working on a project where I’ve automated the generation of Word files through FME and jsreport. My workflow dynamically fills in values from an input Excel file and applies some data transformation along the way.

    The goal now is to expand this process to also output PDF files alongside the Word files. However, I’m running into an issue. Whenever I open the generated Word report, I receive a warning: "Unreadable content in the Word file." I suspect this is also interfering with the PDF conversion.

    Has anyone experienced this error with jsreport-generated Word files before, or does anyone know a reliable way to troubleshoot and resolve this kind of issue? Any insights on how to achieve both Word and PDF outputs ?

    Thanks in advance!

  • However, I’m running into an issue. Whenever I open the generated Word report, I receive a warning: "Unreadable content in the Word file."

    Are you able to share a minimal demo that creates "Unreadable content in the Word file." We would look what can be wrong.

    Any insights on how to achieve both Word and PDF outputs ?

    You have two options...

    You define two templates, one using docx recipe to produce word document and one using chrome-pdf recipe producing pdf from html.

    Or you use unoconv extension, which uses libreoffice on background and converts word to pdf.

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