504 Gateway Time-out

  • Hello,

    We have several months using the service work ok, but this week are getting now status code 504 Gateway Time-out.

    If we test in the jsreport studio page we receive error (Render Preview failed. network error, TypeError: network error).

    Someone more has the same issue in this last week?

    Where can i see logs about that? not return nothing

    Thanks for the help

  • I am not sure what service do you mean? The jsreportonline? Or do you mean your on prem jsreport installation?

    If you use jsreportonlione, please email me what is your account(subdomain) name to support@jsreport.net.

    The 504 Gateway Time-out is a web server timeout, not jsreport one. It means that the web server was waiting for response from jsreport, but it didn't response in time. You will find logs in app/logs for your on prem application. Or in the studio profiler in jsreportonliner.

  • Thanks for your answer.

    We are using the service jsreport playground with the option render report using REST API.

    We are testing by the api and testing by online (playground.jsreport.net).

    We dont get logs for chekck the error.

    Our name is Brandyweb.


  • I see, the playground got stuck somehow, we will analyze how it happened.
    It is running now... I apologize for the inconvenience.

    Please note the playground service doesn't have HA.
    It is just a fiddling tool to replicate issues and demonstrate features.
    You shouldn't depend on it in production deployments.

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