Using async helper functions with #each in jsreport Handlebars

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to use an async helper function inside a Handlebars #each block within a jsreport component. Here’s my test case:

    {{#each (getSyncItems)}}
    {{#each (getAsyncItems)}}
    function getSyncItems() {
        return ["sync1","sync2"];
    async function getAsyncItems() {
        return ["async1","async2"];

    The synchronous function (getSyncItems) works as expected, but the asynchronous function (getAsyncItems) does not render any output when used inside #each.

    Since I plan to use JSONata to query data in my actual implementation, I need to call jsonata.evaluate(), which is asynchronous.

    Is there a way to use async helper functions inside #each in jsreport Handlebars? If not, what would be the best approach to handle this scenario?

    br Manuel

  • This should work

    async function getAsyncItems() {
        return ["async1","async2"];
    const jsreport = require('jsreport-proxy')
    async function asyncEach(data, opts) {
        let r = ''
        let realData = await jsreport.templatingEngines.waitForAsyncHelper(data)
        for (let item of realData) {
            r += opts.fn(item)
        return r
    {{#asyncEach (getAsyncItems)}}

  • Thats working fine!
    Thank you!

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