Differences in PDF generated by Docker Image 4.7.0 and 4.7.0-full

  • Hey, do to compatibility issues our company converts some pdf to svg to show them on specific devices.

    We now realized that pdfs generated with the image 4.7.0 and 4.7.0-full have differences that disrupt the conversion process?
    4.7.0 PDFs don't show text after converting, 4.7.0-full do show the text as expected.

    Is there a certain npm package that needs to be added for the pdf to be generated differently?
    for some permission reasons I cannot add the pdf or svg files for more context.


  • This is likely because the full image has additinal fonts installed. Try to create an image like this from the default one. This should add text to the svg when converting the jsreport sample invoice template.

    FROM jsreport/jsreport:4.7.0
    RUN set -x \   
        && apk add --no-cache \    
        font-terminus font-inconsolata font-dejavu font-noto font-noto-cjk font-awesome font-noto-extra

  • Yes it looks like that was the issue, the required fonts were not embeeded in the pdf so when converting to svg they couldn't be found.

    After adding the fonts to the image everything works.
    Thank you

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