Using jsreport/jsreport:4.8.0 and html-to-xlsx recipe ends always in timeout Error: script evaluation not completed after...

  • I just updated to the docker image jsreport/jsreport:4.8.0. The previous version was 4.5.
    Since the update every call with the html-to-xlsx recipe ends in a timout error of the script.
    I didn't change anything in the config, just pulled the new version.
    Can someone point me in the right direction to solve this issue?

  • You need to add the following env because of the chrome update

    docker run -p 5488:5488 -e "chrome_launchOptions_args=--no-sandbox, --disable-dev-shm-usage, --disable-gpu" jsreport/jsreport:4.8.0

  • Got it: RTFM.
    Thank you!

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