Using jsreport/jsreport:4.8.0 and html-to-xlsx recipe ends always in timeout Error: script evaluation not completed after...
I just updated to the docker image jsreport/jsreport:4.8.0. The previous version was 4.5.
Since the update every call with the html-to-xlsx recipe ends in a timout error of the script.
I didn't change anything in the config, just pulled the new version.
Can someone point me in the right direction to solve this issue?
You need to add the following env because of the chrome update
docker run -p 5488:5488 -e "chrome_launchOptions_args=--no-sandbox, --disable-dev-shm-usage, --disable-gpu" jsreport/jsreport:4.8.0
Got it: RTFM.
Thank you!