Where are reports stored?
I'm trying Jsreport with the mongodatastore
Using the reports extensions, I can see that a
collection is being created when I use the"options" : { "reports" : {"save": true} }
However this collection seems too small to hold the actual blob of the reports. It looks like:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5af1d3c318479c00101efa72"), "recipe" : "phantom-pdf", "name" : "Orders", "fileExtension" : "pdf", "templateShortid" : "HJH11D83ce", "creationDate" : ISODate("2018-05-08T16:43:47.274Z"), "contentType" : "application/pdf", "blobName" : "5af1d3c318479c00101efa72.pdf" }
Where is the blob of the report actually stored?
The reports are stored through blob storage abstraction. By default to file system
You can also configure jsreport to store blobs to the mongo gridFS{ "blobStorage": "gridFS" }