Is version control available in jsreport online?

  • I have gone through the documents and understand that I can install version control extension and enable version control in a on-prem solution. When accessing and viewing the examples, I also see a Commit button there.

    However, after I signed up and logged into jsreportonline, I cannot find version control related menu items or buttons. Is version control available in jsreportonline?

    Thank you for your help.

  • Hi,

    it will be enabled in jsreportonline during the next few weeks.
    The reason is that we have done some critical hotfixes in version-control recently and decided to give it some time for stabilization.


  • Hi @jan_blaha,

    Thank you so much for such a quick response! You guys really have done an amazing job, and provided such a wonderful, accessible and affordable reporting service, really appreciate it.

  • Glad to hear that. Thank you.

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