api/report 400 not found

  • Sorry for another nubie question, but I cant seem to be able to call my jsreport from my web application. I must be missing something obvious. I go to the api tab under settings in the report studio and get the following:

    HEADERS:Content-Type: application/json

    I call my post as follows


                url: 'http://localhost:5488/api/report',             
                type: 'post',
                contentType: 'application/json',
                data: { "template": { "shortid": "By9NKNxzE" }, "data": { "orderID": orderID } },
                success: function (data) { }

    I am getting only a 400 Not found error In fiddler...

    What am I missing.


  • It was a problem with my json data... Its working fine now.

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