Hi all,
on a local virtual machine with debian 12 I installed jsreport through an ansible playbook, in which I report here some steps:
name: Install and Configure JsReport | Install "jsreport" node.js package globally.
become: true
name: "@jsreport/jsreport-cli"
global: yes
register: jsreportinstall
name: Creates directory
become: true
path: /var/apps/jsreportapp
state: directory
owner: pm2
group: pm2
name: Assign owner to /tmp/jsreport
become: true
path: /tmp/jsreport
recurse: yes
owner: pm2
group: pm2
name: JsReport init
ansible.builtin.command: jsreport init
become: true
become_user: pm2
chdir: /var/apps/jsreportapp
name: JsReport config
become: true
src: jsreport.config.json.j2
dest: /var/apps/jsreportapp/jsreport.config.json
owner: pm2
group: pm2
mode: "u=r,g=r,o="
name: Check if PM2 process is running
become: true
become_user: pm2
command: 'pm2 show jsreport-server'
register: pm2_status
ignore_errors: true
name: JsReport | Start pm2 process
become: true
become_user: pm2
command: 'pm2 start server.js -i 1 -n jsreport-server' #max use 1 process for each cpu
when: "'status' not in pm2_status.stdout"
chdir: "/var/apps/jsreportapp"
register: pm2save
failed_when: pm2save.rc != 0
name: Reload PM2 process
become: true
become_user: pm2
command: 'pm2 reload jsreport-server'
when: "'status' in pm2_status.stdout and 'online' in pm2_status.stdout"
name: Install and Configure PM2 | Configure PM2 startup hook
become: true
command: "su -c 'pm2 save' pm2"
when: "pm2save.changed"
register: pm2persistence
failed_when: "'skipping save' in pm2persistence.stdout"
the installation was successful and jsreport execution is through pm2, as indicated in the ansible playbook.
Visiting the host on the relevant port, I arrive on the jsreport homepage.
However, if I try to launch, for example, the "invoice-main" example template, I get, alternately, two errors:
The first:
error: Error when processing render request 12 1|jsreport-server | (because) could not find Chrome (ver. 122.0.6261.111). This can occur if either 1|jsreport-server | 1. you did not perform an installation before running the script (e.g.
npx puppeteer browsers install chrome) or 1|jsreport-server | 2. your cache path is incorrectly configured (which is: /var/apps/.cache/puppeteer). 1|jsreport-server | For (2), check out our guide on configuring puppeteer at https://pptr.dev/guides/configuration. 1|jsreport-server | Error: Could not find Chrome (ver. 122.0.6261.111). This can occur if either 1|jsreport-server | 1. you did not perform an installation before running the script (e.g.
npx puppeteer browsers install chrome) or 1|jsreport-server | 2. your cache path is incorrectly configured (which is: /var/apps/.cache/puppeteer).
The second:
2024-06-18T13:27:02.552Z - info: Render request 13 queued for execution and waiting for available worker rootId=1gtv6545nmiz216, id=1gtv6545nmiz216 1|jsreport-server | 2024-06-18T13:27:02.564Z - info: Starting rendering request 13 rootId=1gtv6545nmiz216, id=1gtv6545nmiz216 1|jsreport-server | 2024-06-18T13:27:02.564Z - info: Rendering template { name: invoice-main, recipe: chrome-pdf, engine: handlebars, preview: true } rootId=1gtv6545nmiz216, id=1gtv6545nmiz216 1|jsreport-server | 2024-06-18T13:27:02.564Z - debug: Adding sample data Sy5S19ncg rootId=1gtv6545nmiz216, id=1gtv6545nmiz216 1|jsreport-server | 2024-06-18T13:27:02.564Z - debug: Base url not specified, skipping its injection. rootId=1gtv6545nmiz216, id=1gtv6545nmiz216 1|jsreport-server | 2024-06-18T13:27:02.565Z - debug: Rendering engine handlebars rootId=1gtv6545nmiz216, id=1gtv6545nmiz216 1|jsreport-server | 2024-06-18T13:27:02.636Z - debug: (console:log) Calculating item Website design; you should see this message in debug run userLevel=true, rootId=1gtv6545nmiz216, id=1gtv6545nmiz216 1|jsreport-server | 2024-06-18T13:27:02.637Z - debug: Executing recipe chrome-pdf rootId=1gtv6545nmiz216, id=1gtv6545nmiz216 1|jsreport-server | 2024-06-18T13:27:54.552Z - warn: Report render failed 1|jsreport-server | (because) report timeout. Last profiler operation: (recipe) chrome-pdf. You can inspect and find more details here: http://debian12-test:5488/studio/profiles/JF5FRYEhi3KuXFAP 1|jsreport-server | Error: Report timeout. Last profiler operation: (recipe) chrome-pdf. You can inspect and find more details here: http://debian12-test:5488/studio/profiles/JF5FRYEhi3KuXFAP 1|jsreport-server | at Timeout.<anonymous> (/var/apps/jsreportapp/node_modules/@jsreport/advanced-workers/lib/threadWorker.js:43:23) 1|jsreport-server | at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:569:17) 1|jsreport-server | at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:512:7) rootId=1gtv6545nmiz216, id=1gtv6545nmiz216
I always get these errors alternately. I've tried everything, installing libraries, puppeteer, all the solutions written and indicated everywhere, but I can't get to the bottom of it.
Has anyone had the same situation?
Thank you very much for the support, I really appreciate it