follow up question for the answer :
as pdfjs is already installed package in JSreport why do we need to use jsreport.npm.require
follow up question for the answer :
as pdfjs is already installed package in JSreport why do we need to use jsreport.npm.require
Yes ,
The json body is encrypted, for that i cannot use beforeRender.
first action is to decrypt the req.body and then start ..
When using the API route Im expecting to get the a valid request but the json will be encrypted.
I cannot use beforeRender or decode the json, i need to use an express middleware.
Can you please provide some guide for this ? TY
@bjrmatos @jan_blaha
You can see the example from the documentation,
to make it works with multiple images just add a loop around the image placeholder.
Another wild option is using Docx as the base template, so Page number + TOC will be cover ,
The content will be html that will be create in a beforeRender script ..
I want to create document structure that will include:
the actual content of the document is a dynamic Template so using Components/childTemplate looks like the best option.
Another requirement is that the Component/childTemplate body will be provided from a API call .
Using the playground example for Components/childTemplate looks like the actual content is store in the DB.
Here are my questions ?
Thank you for the help
@jan_blaha same code ,then i just add this line :
async function afterRender(req, res) {}
and got the error ..
@jan_blaha still having issue.. not working using API
Cannot set property offset of [object Object] which has only a getter
@jan_blaha TY for the quick response 🙏 Working now
A better option is to implement this in the unoconv extension as additional input and use unoconv password option (although it is deprecated )