I tried removing the css styling and that did knock the render time down to ~5 minutes. Then I tried removing the <table class="administrationTable">
table and replacing everything in there to use divs instead, however that only knocked the time down 30 more seconds. I do need the css styling however. So I suppose my best option is probably to look into the parallel rendering at this point?
Caleb Powell
@Caleb Powell
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Posts made by Caleb Powell
RE: Generating a report with a lot of data taking longer than expected
Generating a report with a lot of data taking longer than expected
I am running a local jsreport server and I'm passing my report json that is about 53.5 mb in size. I'm using a chrome-pdf recipe. My problem is that it takes about ~9 minutes and 35 seconds to render this report.
Here is my HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> @media print { div, table, tr{ page-break-inside: avoid; } .row{ page-break-before:always; } .row:first-child{ page-break-before:avoid; } } body{ font-family: Arial; } table, th, td { border-collapse: collapse; } td, th{ border-bottom:1px solid black; border-left:1px solid black; text-align:center; } table { width: 100%; table-layout: fixed; margin-bottom:2px; } td{ word-wrap: break-word; font-size:5pt; } td:first-child, th:first-child{ border-left:0px; } th{ font-size:5pt; } .title, .subtitle{ text-align: center; } .title{ font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold; } .subtitle{ font-size: 10pt; } .container{ padding-left:20px; padding-right:20px; padding-bottom:20px; } .medicationTable{ border: 1px solid black; vertical-align:text-top; } .medicationData:first-child{ border-right:1px solid black; width:15%; } .medicationData{ text-align:left; font-size:6pt; vertical-align:text-top; } .administrationTable{ vertical-align:text-top; } .drugTitle{ font-size:8pt; font-weight:bold; } .orderSig{ font-size:7pt; font-weight:bold; } .row{ margin-top:20px; border-left:1px solid black; border-top:1px solid black; margin-bottom:5px; } .row:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .patientColumn{ font-size:6pt; border-right:1px solid black; box-sizing: border-box; padding:2px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; font-weight:normal; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="title"> {{Title}} </div> <div class="subtitle"> {{#if Settings.RunDate}} {{#eq StartDate EndDate}} For: {{StartDate}}<br> {{else}} From: {{StartDate}} - {{EndDate}}<br> {{/eq}} {{/if}} {{#if Settings.GeneratedDate}} Generated: {{GeneratedDate}}<br> {{/if}} {{#if Settings.Facility}} Facility: {{Facility}}<br> {{/if}} {{#if Settings.Pass}} Pass: {{Pass}}<br> {{/if}} {{#if Settings.RunBy}} Run By: {{RunBy}}<br> {{/if}} </div> <div class="container"> {{#each Patients}} <table class="row"> <tr> <th class="patientColumn"> <b>Patient</b><br> Name: {{Name}}<br> {{#if ../Settings.Number}} Number: {{Number}}<br> {{/if}} {{#if ../Settings.DateOfBirth}} Date Of Birth: {{DateOfBirth}}<br> {{/if}} {{#if ../Settings.Location}} Location: {{Location}}<br> {{/if}} {{#if ../Settings.Gender}} Gender: {{Gender}}<br> {{/if}} {{#if ../Settings.Weight}} Weight: {{Weight}} {{/if}} </th> {{#if ../Settings.Allergies}} <th class="patientColumn"> <b>Allergies</b><br> {{#if Allergies}} {{#each Allergies}} {{Description}}<br> {{/each}} {{else}} There are no allergies for this patient {{/if}} </th> {{/if}} {{#if ../Settings.Diagnoses}} <th class="patientColumn"> <b>Diagnoses</b><br> {{#if Diagnoses}} {{#each Diagnoses}} {{Description}}<br> {{/each}} {{else}} There are no diagnoses for this patient {{/if}} </th> {{/if}} <th class="patientColumn"> <b>Nurse Signatures</b><br> {{NurseSignatures}} </th> {{#if ../Settings.PatientNotes}} <th class="patientColumn"> <b>Notes</b><br> {{#if Notes}} {{#each Notes}} {{Text}}<br> {{/each}} {{else}} There are no notes for this patient {{/if}} </th> {{/if}} </tr> </table> {{#each Orders}} <table class="medicationTable"> <td class="medicationData"> <span class="drugTitle">{{DrugName}}</span><br> {{#if ../../Settings.RxNum}} Rx Number: {{RxNumber}}<br> {{/if}} Dispense Type: {{DispenseType}}<br> {{#if ../../Settings.StartDate}} Start Date: {{StartDate}}<br> {{/if}} {{#if ../../Settings.StopDate}} Stop Date: {{ExpirationDate}}<br> {{/if}} {{#if ../../Settings.DcDate}} Discontinue Date: {{DCDate}}<br> {{/if}} {{#if ../../Settings.Prescriber}} Prescriber: {{Prescriber}}<br> {{/if}} Patient: {{Patient}}<br><br> {{#if ../../Settings.Sig}} <span class="orderSig">{{Sig}}</span> {{/if}} </td> <td class="medicationData"> {{#if Passes}} <table class="administrationTable"> <tr> <th>Time</th> <th>Event</th> {{#each ../../Days}} <th>{{this}}</th> {{/each}} </tr> {{#each Passes}} <tr> <td rowspan="{{RowSpan}}">{{Time}}</td> <td>Init.</td> {{#each Results}} {{#if Result}} <td style="{{Style}}">{{Result}}</td> {{else}} {{#if Scheduled}} <td style="{{Style}}">{{../../../../Settings.EmptyBoxText}}</td> {{else}} <td style="{{Style}}"></td> {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{#each Procedures}} <tr> <td>{{Code}}</td> {{#each Results}} <td>{{Result}}</td> {{/each}} </tr> {{/each}} </tr> {{/each}} </table> {{else}} No scheduled give information to show. {{/if}} {{#if NonPassGives}} <div> <br><b>Non Scheduled Gives</b><br> {{#each NonPassGives}} Date: {{GiveDateTime}}, Nurse: {{NurseInitials}}, Quantity/Result: {{Quantity}}{{Result}}<br> {{/each}} </div> {{/if}} {{#if ../../Settings.OrderNotes}} {{#if Notes}} <div> <br><b>Notes</b> {{#each Notes}} <br>{{Date}} - {{Text}} {{/each}} </div> {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if ../../Settings.DispenseTypeChanges}} {{#if DispenseTypeChanges}} <div> <br><b>Dispense Type Changes</b> {{#each DispenseTypeChanges}} <br>{{UserLastName}}, {{UserFirstName}} - From {{OldValue}} to {{NewValue}} on {{Date}} {{/each}} </div> {{/if}} {{/if}} </td> </table> {{/each}} {{/each}} </div> </body> </html>
I've found that when I comment out the
{{#each Results}}
loop on line 278, the report renders in ~4 minutes and 45 seconds. This loop would be looping through 31 results each time it gets hit.Any help in finding a way to speed this process up would be greatly appreciated.