Sorry to touch on this one again. It's been a while.
I have a template that is 1 A4 page. in that, I have HTML, BODY HEADERS, CONTENT, FOOTER /BODY /HTML
If I create an outer template to control my child template example

{#child ../SharedAssets/CoverPage1 @template.engine=jsrender @template.recipe=html @options.language=sp}
<div class="page-break"></div>
{#child ../SharedAssets/CoverPage2 @template.engine=jsrender @template.recipe=html @options.language=sp}
<div class="page-break"></div>
{#child ../SharedAssets/CoverPage3 @template.engine=jsrender @template.recipe=html @options.language=sp}

Does this render each child template separately and then combine them into the PDF (chrome-pdf is being used)
The output I get looks like the HTML BODY tag wraps all of the child templates... is this the case, we cant use individual HTML, BODY tags in child templates?