Sorry for taking so long to do it, but I just directed the answer to this thread for anyone having the same issue. Thanks again...
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Posts made by crunchytoast
RE: Blank pdf output
RE: Blank pdf output
That worked a treat! Amazing... and thanks very much jan!
Blank pdf output
I know this has got to have some super easy answer but I am just beginning with this stuff and followed this tutorial:
Except it gives me a blank page as an output with no real error message.
I'm using handlebars and chrome-pdf to do this...
My database connection script is:
const sql = require('mssql'); const config = { "user": "user", "password": "password", "server": "server", "database": "database" } async function beforeRender(req, res) { await sql.connect(config) const sqlReq = new sql.Request(); const recordset = await sqlReq.query( `SELECT DBVersion ,MinAppVersion FROM VersionTbl` ) Object.assign(, {Versions: recordset }); }
I can see it running and connecting properly in the debug tab... and my sql query seems to be correct if I test it directly in the database server.
My template looks like this:
<table> {{#each Version}} <tr> <td>{{DBVersion}}</td> <td>{{MinAppVersion}}</td> </tr> {{/each}} </table>
The debug log...
+0 Starting rendering request 27 (user: null) +2 Rendering template { name: PQRTemplate, recipe: chrome-pdf, engine: handlebars, preview: true } +2 Data item not defined for this template. +9 Resources not defined for this template. +10 Executing script Connection using dedicated-process strategy +779 Base url not specified, skipping its injection. +780 Rendering engine handlebars using dedicated-process strategy +937 Compiled template not found in the cache, compiling +951 Executing recipe chrome-pdf +1041 Converting with chrome HeadlessChrome/79.0.3945.0 using dedicated-process strategy +1115 Page request: GET (document) file:///C:/Users/********/AppData/Local/Temp/jsreport/autocleanup/264c975a-9ef2-4130-960c-84eeae2ec04a-chrome-pdf.html +1122 Page request finished: GET (document) file:///C:/Users/*******/AppData/Local/Temp/jsreport/autocleanup/264c975a-9ef2-4130-960c-84eeae2ec04a-chrome-pdf.html +1124 Running chrome with params {"printBackground":true,"margin":{}} +1327 Skipping storing report. +1327 Rendering request 27 finished in 1327 ms
Can any of you smart people tell me what's going wrong? Thanks