I think I had a bad interpretation. I thought that the init method should be executed every time you want to render a report.
Gustavo Navarro
@Gustavo Navarro
Posts made by Gustavo Navarro
RE: Phantom instances
RE: Phantom instances
That said, that would be the problem. Then I ask for your help or advice in this regard; This is what my service does:
I do not want to schedule tasks in the cron of my server, so I created a service in NodeJs using cronjs library, which runs every hour and check in the database the reports that are scheduled at that time, I go through the elements of the I list one by one and for each report I execute the jsreport.init method, I create the report and send it, and every hour I do the same.
var job = new CronJob ({ cronTime: '0 0 * * * *', onTick: function () { login() .then (getScheduledReports) .then (function (data) { data.reduce (function (promise, schReport) { // This is where I run the jsreport.init method and the code is similar to this one, please ignore the indentation and other details (hehe). jsreport.init (). then (function () { return jsreport.render ({ // parameters }). then (sendMail) }); }, new Q ()); } }, start: true, timeZone: 'America / Bogota' }); job.start ();
RE: Phantom instances
I'm not good at debugging, but checking the phantomManager.js file I could verify that if the parameters are being passed and Phantom creates the instances that I configured.
var PhantomManager = module.exports = function (options) {
this._phantomInstances = [];
this.options = options || {};
this.options.workerEnv = this.options.workerEnv || {};
this.options.numberOfWorkers = this.options.numberOfWorkers || numCPUs;
console.log('PhantomManager this.options.numberOfWorkers ', this.options.numberOfWorkers);//log*************
this.options.timeout = this.options.timeout || 180000;
this.options.host = this.options.host || "";
this.options.hostEnvVarName = this.options.hostEnvVarName || "PHANTOM_WORKER_HOST"
this.options.portEnvVarName = this.options.portEnvVarName || "PHANTOM_WORKER_PORT";
this._timeouts = [];
this.tasksQueue = [];
};The problem is that you are not deleting those instances or reusing them, simply create new ones, which leaves my server without memory. I believe that with the kill method it removes the instances when the process ends:
process.once("exit", function () {
});But he is not eliminating them. Help me please.
Phantom instances
I am using jsreport-core to convert html to pdf and send the pdf by email.
My structure is the following:
var jsreport = require ('jsreport-core') (); var contentPDF = '<html> <body> hello world and other things ... </ body> </ html>'; jsreport.init (). then (function () { return jsreport.render ({ template: { content: contentPDF, engine: 'none', recipe: 'phantom-pdf' } }) });
I have a service on my server that runs every so often, generates the reports that I have to generate and sends them, but I'm having problems with my server because phantom creates several instances and consumes a lot of memory and causes my server to die.
I'm trying to use something like this:
var jsreport = require ('jsreport-core') (); jsreport.use (require ('jsreport-phantom-pdf') ({"numberOfWorkers": 1, "strategy": "phantom-server"}));
but it seems to have no effect; Do you have any suggestions or help that you can give me? Is that the solution or is there something that is ignoring or doing wrong?
I appreciate the help you can give me.