Thanks for a very quick, very detailed and complete answer - it is greatly appreciated. I do apologise for not stating that my app is a nodejs app. Also I did state "with no real solution" on the issue of "timeout". This was unfair of me. I should have been more clear in that I did find a number of complaints about the timeout and although there were responses, none of them worked for me - or maybe I simply did not spot my problem in the responses I read.

As for progress on my side. I did read the articles you ask me as I worked through your response and ended up creating a simple test directly out of the documentation. The test I did was to create a project exactly from the doc as follows:

var http = require('http'); var jsreport = require('jsreport'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { jsreport.render({ template: { content: 'Hello world', engine: 'jsrender', recipe: 'phantom-pdf' } }).then(function(out) {; }).catch(function(e) { res.end(e.message); }); }).listen(1337, '');

Sure enough - I got the timeout. But then I tried starting the server from the CLI in stead of vscode debugger and it worked. Only after I tried this I finished reading your post and found that you have actually have mentioned that exact problem with vscode debugger.

Once again - thanks for a very helpful response to my question.