Hi Jan,
I tried the solution in production but i got the error:
Error while executing pptx recipe
(because) error when evaluating engine handlebars for template anonymous
(because) missing helper: "chunks"
Is there an extension i need to install?
We are running:
version: 3.11.3
chrome-image, chrome-pdf, docx, html, html-to-xlsx, html-with-browser-client, pptx, static-pdf, text, xlsx
assets: 3.6.0
base: 3.0.1
browser-client: 3.1.1
child-templates: 3.1.0
chrome-pdf: 3.3.0
cli: 3.2.3
components: 3.3.0
data: 3.1.0
docx: 3.7.1
express: 3.7.1
freeze: 3.0.1
fs-store: 3.2.4
handlebars: 3.2.1
html-to-xlsx: 3.3.1
import-export: 3.2.0
jsrender: 3.0.0
licensing: 3.0.3
localization: 3.2.2
npm: 3.1.2
pdf-utils: 3.9.0
pptx: 3.4.0
reports: 3.1.1
sample-template: 3.2.1
scheduling: 3.0.3
scripts: 3.4.1
static-pdf: 3.0.1
studio: 3.9.2
studio-theme-dark: 3.0.1
tags: 3.1.1
text: 3.0.0
version-control: 3.1.2
xlsx: 3.4.0