Although I don't think you could have page numbers in my example. You have to choose, one or the other (variables or page numbers).
Kelley Peart
@Kelley Peart
Posts made by Kelley Peart
RE: Pass parameters to the PDF's header/footer
RE: Pass parameters to the PDF's header/footer
I basically needed the same thing. I solved it by not using external headers. Rather, I just used one big table in my template, and used the thead section to make my header... complete with variables. Worked great for me! The thead section gets repeated at the top of each page... and the variable (receipt number, in my case) gets updated with each iteration of the for loop. Using chrome-pdf.
table.receipt {
page-break-before: always;
{{for receipts}}
<table class="receipt">
<th class="logo">
<img src="{#asset logo.png @encoding=dataURI}" />
<th class="bold center">
<span class="big">Receipt Manager</span><br>
Receipt No: {{:receiptNumber}} {{:~receiptHeader(watermark)}}
<th class="center school">
<tr class="receipt">
... all my data here ....
{{/for}} -
RE: Data file too large.
Moved everything off of client-side javascript, and into .NET. Everything is working great. Mocked up some of our more complex reports. We're replacing both Crystal and Oracle OBIEE reports with jsreport. Boss is buying license for us. Thank you for a great product!
RE: Organizing templates in folders under data
Yes, please!!!! I plan on having hundreds of reports. Being able to organize them into project folders would be super helpful!
RE: Data file too large.
Nevermind, it worked!!!!! I had switched to using on the client to see if that would make any difference. Once I switched back to jsreport.renderAsync, it worked!
Thank you so much! Very slick product!
RE: Data file too large.
Just changed it, killed jsreport, restarted. Same thing. :(
RE: Data file too large.
I am having a very similar issue. But for me, the error displays "PayloadTooLargeError: too many parameters". I am using the jsreport.exe executable. If I pass in 124 rows of data, I get a 124 page .pdf. If I pass in 125 rows of data... error. I've tried changing the inputRequestLimit to various sizes, restarting the jsreport executable... but get no change in behaviour.