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Posts made by RajeevK94037758
RE: Error handling in jsreportonline
Ok. Is there a way to get account quotas?
RE: Timeout Error - jsreportonline
I have marked "shared helpers attached to each template" but how can we access value of global_helpers.js constants on pdf page.
Currently getting this error when I try to access value of printDelay constant. ReferenceError: Can't find variable: printDelay +140 file:///%2Ftmp%2Fautocleanup%2F027ac4ff-5149-485b-a7f1-2782115a6289html.html : 6
What is the max value of print delay and resource timeout in studio menu?
Thank You in Advance.
RE: Timeout Error - jsreportonline
I have created sample in which I have defined two constants for print delay and resource timeout.
I used resourceTimeout in beforeRender hook in global_helpers.js and printDelay in script tag on pdf page.
Actually I need to pass these constant variables values to all reports.
Please review and suggest me best approach. You in Advance.
Error handling in jsreportonline
Is there way to send error detail to particular email id in jsreportonline?
Errors to be reported are timeouts, account quotas, javascript errors and PDF generation errors.Thank You in Advance.
Timeout Error - jsreportonline
I have a report that get data when we make ajax call and call took 10-15s to complete that's why sometime report show data and sometime do not show data.
I have set print delay and resource timeout to 18000.Please suggest how can handle this and what is the max value of print delay and resource timeout.
Is there way to configure print delay and resource timeout for all online jsreports in a configuration file?
Thank You in Advance.
RE: How to reset Pdf report page numbers
Page break cause this issue.
Thank you -
How to reset Pdf report page numbers
I have a report that has three pages but on second page we have an image whose size changed dynamically so that image comes on first page.Now report have empty second page.
Can we reset page numbers so that we can have only two pages and delete empty page of report.Thanks in Advance
RE: jsreport-phantom-pdf installation error in .net local jsreport
Above issue has fixed by using jsreport Windows platforms installation.
But now my production and local reports have different look specially for images and font-size.Local reports have small images and font-size.Both are using phantomjs version 2.1.1 and same other setting like paper format,height.width, orientation..Any support on this would be kindly appreciated. Thank you
RE: jsreport-phantom-pdf installation error in .net local jsreport
Thank you for the really quick answer!
I did not find recipe phantom-pdf when run the application.