Sorry for the long response. While I was creating an example, I got a notice that in the docs example
'{{#pptxStyle textColor='0000FF'}}Simple text{{/pptxStyle}}',
the color is specified without the '#'. However, I had written it as
'{{#pptxStyle textColor='#0000FF'}}Simple text{{/pptxStyle}}'.
So its all my mistake.
I hope this post helps others as inattentive as I am.
Роман Шкріба
@Роман Шкріба
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Posts made by Роман Шкріба
RE: Error: pptxStyle doesn't match pptxTable
RE: Error: pptxStyle doesn't match pptxTable
Update: issue was in style of cells, after I set it to default - error disappeared, but when you open report PPoint give messege that report dammaged and propose me to restore as result ppyxStyle not aplied to content...
Error: pptxStyle doesn't match pptxTable
Hello, I need to build table with different values(numbers) in cells and change text color based on if its '-12' for example make it red otherwise (5) make it green, but get next error
Error: pptxStyle doesn't match pptxTable
when iam try to use like:
{{#pptxTable data}}{{#pptxStyle textColor=row0.c}}{{row0.v}}{{/pptxStyle}}
and closing table tag in last column, maybe theare any other posibility to do that?