My original configuration was 128MB with a timeout of 3 second (this was the default lambda settings), increasing the memory to 1000MB with 10 seconds timeout seem to give me reliable results, a timeout that is less may not work sometimes that I think maybe due to lambda cold starts.
There are plenty of online services for sending emails.
These services have typically an HTTP-based API which you can call to send an email.
So, pick an online email service and do http call from jsreportonline using nodejs http module or using axios.
It seems you are trying to insert your table into the existing xlsx template you've uploaded.
However, this xlsx template is invalid (invalid zip).
Please try to check the associated xlsx template.
ok, thanks for the feedback. yes, integrating jsreport studio login into the sso flow would be great, we will analyze this and based on that we will define a priority for it.
would you have any recommendation on size of instance that we should be using in production
There is no way for me to predict this. Try some production load on your test sever and find the best fitting VM size.
Be ready to scale up and down in the production.
? I can definitely also see a lag between the time the node express data extract has all the data and when it is delivered to the report preprocessing script as a json array. I did also import the axios library into js reports to replace the request utility and that seems to work on large datasets without having to specifically code anything to stream data. Would you have any concerns on me doing that?