How to make the body fully stretch through all pdf pages?

  • Hello everyone, I have been struggling with this issue for 2 days now.

    The goal is theoreticaly simple, I need a box that is placed at the bottom of the last PDF page, but still above a footer.

    I have prepared this playground which slightly resembles my real scenario.

    The problem is that the usual way to push an element to the bottom of a parent element, for example using flexbox, does not work, as the body element ends where its content ends.

    The first idea was to implement the box in the header-footer using pdf-utils. But this results in either having to increase the footer margin defined by chrome-pdf properties for all pages or having the body content possibly overlap with the footer content.

    Another idea that was semi-working was to pass a styling to the body to define it's height depending on the number of pages. for example with 'height: calc(2*100%). This does stretch the body height as intended, but I cannot find a way to create a variable that contains the number of pages (I can in the header-footer document but not in the main document) which then could be passed to the styling.

    Thank you very much for any help!

    PS: Side question - How do I prevent specific body elements from breaking when the page breaks?

  • This is a tricky problem we didn't have a solution for so far. However, your idea to use the calculated height of the body could be a solution.

    Here I render the template twice. After the first, I get the number of pages and render again and use the information to style the body height. Then it is just about flex.

    Please let me know if this helps.

    PS: Side question - How do I prevent specific body elements from breaking when the page breaks?

    There is a standard CSS property for this

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