Custom metadata on template - Best practice?
Currently I'm storing some custom metadata in the template like this:
{{!-- metadata{ "title": "Xmas Card", "uipath": "aika/web/person", "accept": "person", "mimetype": "message/rfc822" }--}} From: To: {{email}} Subject: Merry Xmas You and your family ...
This means I can expose a service to inform clients (system to system) which templates exist, what data they accept and return, and finally give them a user friendly title to display to the end user:
[ { "title": "Personoplysninger", "mimetype": "application/pdf", "uipath": "aika/web/person", "accept": "person", "id": "LmNeYrxmvHFE8HQD", "template": "personinfo" }, { "title": "Xmas Card", "mimetype": "message/rfc822", "uipath": "aika/web/person", "accept": "person", "id": "Y6rQ0wf5BYAWw6tT", "template": "xmasmail" } ]
Is there a better way of doing this? I've had a look at the localization extension which seems the closest to what I need.
Is that the way to go, should I continue what I'm doing, or have I missed something?Thank you
What you do is likely the best. If you find it messy in the future, you can think about the following ideas...
Another option is to have a convention, that in the same folder as the template, you will have also an asset with the metadata.
And another option is to implement a custom extension that adds an extra field to the template and some modal to the studio so you can update it.
Thank you very much. I'll look into a custom extension. It'd be great to ensure that the properties I need are set
Will an extension be able to serve a reply to eg http://localhost:5488/my-extension/templates (such that I don't need to wrap jsreport in my own webapp)
[ { "title": "Personoplysninger", "mimetype": "application/pdf", "uipath": "aika/web/person", "accept": "person", "id": "LmNeYrxmvHFE8HQD", "template": "personinfo" }, { "title": "Xmas Card", "mimetype": "message/rfc822", "uipath": "aika/web/person", "accept": "person", "id": "Y6rQ0wf5BYAWw6tT", "template": "xmasmail" } ]
Thank you
An extension can do everything :)
You will just need to do some studying of the existing extensions, because it is poorly docummented.