Tags attributes through API call for specific template

  • Is it possible to get the other attributes of the tags through an API call for a specific template? When I run something like this

    localhost:5488/odata/templates?$select=tags,name,shortid&$filter=shortid eq 'myShortId'

    I get a return like this

        "@odata.context": "localhost:5488/odata/$metadata#templates(tags,name,shortid)",
        "value": [
                "tags": [
                       "shortid": "-myTagId"
        "name": "my_template",
        "shortid": "myShortId"

    What I really need is something like this

        "@odata.context": "localhost:5488/odata/$metadata#templates(tags,name,shortid)",
        "value": [
                "tags": [
                       "shortid": "-myTagId",
                       "name": "myTagName",
                       "description": "myTagDesc"
        "name": "my_template",
        "shortid": "myShortId"

  • administrators

    hi @mmoye

    we don't support this kind of usage, i believe this is what $expand achieves in Odata, however we don't have support for that at the moment.

    you will need to do extra requests to get the details of each tag

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