jsreport-scheduling in node.js

  • Hi, I am trying to implement a scheduler to periodically email reports generated through jsreport.
    I want to implement a jsreport-scheduler in node.js without using jsreport-studio.
    I am using jsreport-core with jsreport-scheduling extension but have not been able to find a way to do it without using the studio.
    Is there a way to do this?
    Any help will be appreciated.


  • administrators

    hi! for sure there is a way to use it without studio, however we don't have docs for use each jsreport extension with just core, however you can do the same that studio does by using the http api that jsreport exposes, and you can check real example of how to do it by checking the studio code of scheduling and see how it executes the POST request to save or run a schedule

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