2.6.1 executable and phantom-pdf extension

  • Hello!

    We use jsreports to generate very large reports (750+ pages), and have found that phantomjs v1.9.8 has been the fastest recipe. Chrome-pdf by default will time out, as many other recipes.

    The release notes for the latest version mention that the executable file is much faster than it was previously. It brought conversations for our team recognizing that maintaining node/npm on the server is painful and if the .exe had similar/better performance than node, we would ideally be able to switch.

    Unfortunately, while following the instructions to plug in the extension, we are getting a fatal error. Using npm on another folder, we install jsreport-phantom-pdf and place the node modules into a package.

    We are unable to get around this error:

    Are we incorrectly installing the package as an extension? "discover" is enabled in the configuration, and it is properly attempting to load.

    Thank you for your time,

  • unfortunately, this is likely a bug. We will take a look and fix it when we get to it.

  • Thank you much, Jan!

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