docxTable with dynamic columns and formatting

  • Oh, that explains why I did not find any examples of this in the playground!

    I'm indeed using jsreport 2.10 locally, I just created the above playground to showcase my issue.

    Anyway, when generating a report locally with the same template and data, here is what I get:

    Image of report

    The template:

    Image of template

    The data:

      "rowsItems": [
        ["Jan", ""],
        ["Boris", "boris@foo.met"],
        ["Pavel", "pavel@foo.met"]
      "columnsItems": ["Name", "Email"]

  • The only thing that seems to work is to put everything in the same cell but then we loose the ability to have a different formatting to header row and other rows:


  • administrators

    The only thing that seems to work is to put everything in the same cell

    yes, it should be done only in one cell

    we don't do anything special about the styles, so my comment in that issue is still true, that the table should have styles defined, i see that word also let you generate custom styles so this should not be a problem. one easy way to verify that your table styles are working is by inserting more cells and rows to your table to test that it gets the different colors.

  • Yeah, it works with a single cell and a generic table style thanks!

    Looks like I lost my table's original style at some point, probably while editing the document with Word Online.

  • And if on the contrary:

    "rowsItems": [
    ["Jan", ""],
    ["Boris", "boris@foo.met"],
    ["Pavel", "pavel@foo.met"]

    I had one for each line an object with a name and email? How do I access each attribute?

  • administrators

    hi @Thiago-Medeiros

    if you have an array of objects then you can easily write a helper function that convert the object to the array of values.

    for example the helper function can be something like this:

    function dataArrayToCellValues (items) {
      return => {
        return [,]

    then in the docx file you can update the call to be:

    {{docxTable rows=(dataArrayToCellValues items) columns=columnsItems}}

  • I understood. I did it in a different way ...
    Let's assume that my data is configured like this:

    "rowsItems": [
    {"name":"jan", "email": " "},
    {"name":"Boris", "email": "boris@foo.met"},
    {"name":"Pavel", "email": "pavel@foo.met"}
    "columnsItems": ["", ""]

    I can access the contents of the object by doing this.atributename:

  • Another question...
    If I want to create a table dynamic with columns (4 columns, for example), but that has a single header that involves the entire table. How do I do this?

  • administrators

    @Thiago-Medeiros let's continue the conversation here where you posted a comment

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