Asset styles.css not found

  • Hi,
    Got some problem with assets after upgrading every jsreport library to the newest version.
    Can't generate my report with phantom-pdf recipe. I got an error:
    Error: Asset styles.css not found
    I use my style.css and and image file in my hbs template where i include {#asset} ... cant figure out what I might be missing..

    My template:

        {#asset styles.css @encoding=utf8}
    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%; padding:10px">
        <td colspan="2">
              <td class="title">
                <img src="{#asset logo.png @encoding=dataURI}" style="width:100%; max-width:300px;" />
                Piperings report
                <br> Created: {{now}}
                Portfolio: {{portfolioCode}}
                <br> Module: {{moduleCode}}


    exports.jsreport = jsreportcore({
      tasks: { strategy: 'in-process' },
      express: { app: app, server: server },
      appPath: "/report",
      assets: {
        allowedFiles: "**",
        publicAccessEnabled: true,
        searchOnDiskIfNotFoundInStore: true,
      phantom: {
        allowLocalFilesAccess: false
      scripts: {
        allowedModules: "*"


    exports.generateReportPDF = async function(req, res) {
      var data = await exports.fetchSomeImportantData(req, res);
      var filePath = path.join(__dirname, "pdfTest.pdf");
      generateReport(data, './report_templates/piperings/piperings.hbs', 'portrait', 'phantom-pdf')
          .then((resp) => {
            fs.writeFile(filePath, resp.content, function (err) {
          .catch(err => {
            console.log('ERROR', err);
    function generateReport(data, filePath, orientation, recipe) {
      return server.jsreport.render({
        template: {
          content: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', filePath)).toString(),
          engine: 'handlebars',
          recipe: recipe,
          phantom: {
            orientation: orientation
            `function now() {
              return new Date().toLocaleDateString()
            }` +
            `function itemNo(index) {
              return index + 1;
            }` +
            `function getPageNumber(pages, pageIndex) {
              if (!pages || pageIndex == null) {
                  return ''
              const pagesToIgnore = pages.reduce((acu, page) => {
                  const shouldIgnore = page.items.find((p) => p.ignorePageInCount === true) != null
                  if (shouldIgnore) {
                  return acu
              }, []).length
              const pageNumber = pageIndex + 1
              return pageNumber - pagesToIgnore
            }` +
            `function getTotalPages(pages) {
              if (!pages) {
                  return ''
              const pagesToIgnore = pages.reduce((acu, page) => {
                  const shouldIgnore = page.items.find((p) => p.ignorePageInCount === true) != null
                  if (shouldIgnore) {
                  return acu
              }, []).length
              return pages.length - pagesToIgnore
        data: data

  • administrators

    since that you were using jsreport v1 and you upgraded to v2 but you forgot to update the format of your configuration options.

    please check this page to know what you need to change.

    hint: you will need something like this in the end

    exports.jsreport = jsreportcore({
      templatingEngines: { strategy: 'in-process' },
      appPath: "/report",
      phantom: {
        allowLocalFilesAccess: false
      extensions: {
        express: { app: app, server: server },
        assets: {
          allowedFiles: "**",
          publicAccessEnabled: true,
          searchOnDiskIfNotFoundInStore: true,
        scripts: {
          allowedModules: "*"

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