How to filter/sort data using JsReport html-with-browser-client recipe?
I am using html-with-browser-client recipe for showing reports. I want to do sorting and filter on client side in the table without using the API through javascript?
hi! i'm a bit lost, can you prepare a small example on the playground, save it, and then share the link here? i will check what you are trying to do and modify that example to help you. you can put comments in your code in the place you want to do the filter, or try to explain it from the user point of view in actions.
I want to filter the list on the report side only not through api.
ok, this should give you the general idea
thanks for the solution.
is there any other way to achieve this like by jsreports.reload method or by providing filtered/sort that again to report and it get reloaded?
it is up to you, there is no .reload, but you can call render again and the report should reload with the new values you give, it will something like this:
jsreport.render('_self', { /*new report params*/ })
I had seen reload in this same forum somewhere before asking this question.
But your answered worked for me thanks :)