Timeout with big data

  • Hello, i create a demo with big data:


    This gives timeout when you want to show the report to PDF.


  • administrators

    Hello, the reason it does not render by default on playground or on your local, it is because your reports takes like 79 seconds to render, you can have it render on your local if you increase the reportTimeout to 100000 in your configuration.

    however your template is missing a critical pdf-utils optimization, which is the usage of the "merge whole documents" https://jsreport.net/learn/pdf-utils#merge, you report is currently doing two extra renders per page (to render the header and footer), which gives you a total of extra 120 renders being produced just to produce the header/footer for each page. you can reduce those renders and the whole render time if you use the "merge whole documents" option in pdf-utils, with that optimization you should be able to just have 3 renders in total which will dramatically speed the time your report takes to generate. check this example to give you an idea how to enable the "merge whole documents" and the modifications you need to do to the header, footer template.

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