How to use the pdf utils?
I want use the pdf utils pass value to Header or Footer. I added the tag <div> {{{pdfAddPageItem :ClientName}}}</div> to my main template, but I got an errors as below:
Error: Error while executing templating engine. Syntax error Unmatched or missing {{/pdfAddPageItem}}, in template: ... at C:\jsreportapp\node_modules\jsrender\jsrender-node.js:223:27 at Object.<anonymous> (C:\jsreportapp\node_modules\jsrender\jsrender-node.js:2879:2) at Module._compile (module.js:653:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:664:10) at Module.load (module.js:566:32) at tryModuleLoad (module.js:506:12) at Function.Module._load (module.js:498:3) at Module.require (module.js:597:17) at require (internal/module.js:11:18) at Object.<anonymous> (C:\jsreportapp\node_modules\jsreport-jsrender\lib\jsrenderEngine.js:6:16) From previous event: at executeScript (C:\jsreportapp\node_modules\jsreport-core\lib\util\executeScript.js:41:49) at Reporter.executeScript (C:\jsreportapp\node_modules\jsreport-core\lib\reporter.js:343:12) at invokeRender (C:\jsreportapp\node_modules\jsreport-core\lib\render\render.js:60:36) at module.exports (C:\jsreportapp\node_modules\jsreport-core\lib\render\render.js:150:11) at <anonymous>
below was my studio version information:
about version: 2.11.0 Release notes engines: handlebars, jsrender, none recipes: chrome-image, chrome-pdf, docx, html, html-to-xlsx, html-with-browser-client, pptx, static-pdf, text, xlsx assets: 1.7.0 authentication: 2.6.1 authorization: 2.4.0 base: 2.0.2 browser-client: 2.2.2 child-templates: 1.4.0 chrome-pdf: 1.10.0 cli: 2.2.5 data: 2.4.0 debug: 2.1.3 docx: 2.9.0 express: 2.8.1 freeze: 2.0.0 fs-store: 2.9.1 handlebars: 2.1.0 html-to-xlsx: 2.8.3 import-export: 2.1.1 jsrender: 2.1.1 licensing: 2.2.3 pdf-utils: 1.11.0 pptx: 0.7.0 public-templates: 2.2.0 reports: 2.5.1 resources: 2.1.0 sample-template: 2.6.1 scheduling: 2.5.0 scripts: 2.6.0 static-pdf: 0.4.0 studio: 2.10.1 studio-theme-dark: 0.3.0 tags: 2.5.0 templates: 2.4.0 text: 2.0.0 unoconv: 0.3.0 version-control: 1.6.0 xlsx: 2.5.0
How to fix the errors?
This isn't valid jsrender syntax.
{{{pdfAddPageItem :ClientName}}}
We have couple of jsrender examples in our docs this one should help{{:~pdfAddPageItem(1)}}
Or switch to handlebars which is a bit covered in the demos and exmaples.
@jan_blaha can you let me know how can I pass a value?
Instead of just passing a number here?